Just A Nobody

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This blog was started to share the journey of what God has called me to do, serve our friends whithout homes. A long the way it has also become part of my journey as well.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I AM ----by MIKE

My friend Ken,from HOMEPDX in Portland, recently posted on his website (http://www.homepdx.net/) a blog from one of his friends Mike. I thought I would share it with you. You can find Mike's blog at
http://pdxurbanoutdoorsman.wordpress.com/. I have enjoyed reading his blogs and if you get a chance, drop by and check it out.

I am…
I am the one you saw in the sleeping bag while you parked your car.
You shook your head.

I am one of those you saw standing in line for breakfast, actually you were gawking.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw walking towards the light rail.
You shook your head.

I am the one who stood so you would have a place to sit on the train since I was taking a short ride.
You shook your head.

I am one of those you see on a daily basis as you walk by the drop-center, again you gawked.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw sitting at Pioneer Courthouse Square reading a book while you ate lunch.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw as you hightailed it back to work so you would not be late.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw walking by as you took your afternoon break.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw while talking to you friends at the bus stop after work.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw while you were having dinner with friends at the restaurant with outdoor seating.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw as you and your friends went barhopping.
You shook your head.

I am the one you saw as you stumbled down the sidewalk after far too much to drink.
I shook my head.

Did you remember me?

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